Jeff Elliott

Non-Executive Chairman


Mr Elliott has more than 30 years’ experience in the mining industry across exploration, project assessment, technical valuations, independent reporting and corporate advice. He has strong financial, business management, communication, and strategy development and implementation skills.

Mr Elliott was Managing Director of CSA Global from 2007 to late 2020, having sold the business to leading sustainability firm ERM. He is a Non-Executive Director of Southern Geoscience Consultants Pty Ltd, a leading Australian geophysics consulting firm based in Perth, WA. He is also a co-founding Director and shareholder of successful private companies Ausino Drilling Services Pty Ltd, CorePlan and Ever Nimble Pty Ltd that service the mining industry via drilling, software and IT offerings, and industrial minerals explorer Thessally Resources Pty Ltd.

Mr Elliott has a Bachelor of Science (Geology) from Curtin University. He is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), and a member of both the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Australian Institute of Management.
